How to Watch a Movie Over and Over Again

Why practise nosotros spotter the aforementioned films and boob tube shows over and again?

Artwork: Malu Rocha

Having The Office on repeat every bit groundwork racket, celebrating Christmas twelvemonth subsequently year by watching Elf with your family and re-watching the entire 10 seasons of Friends over summer (oops) are surprisingly non uncommon feats. Some people find real comfort in watching the same films and tv shows multiple times and researchers have theorised that it can fifty-fifty become a positive cornball experience.

Of course, some things will never modify. People are ever going to queue effectually the block for the release of the newest Star Wars film, and kids are always going to blitz to theatres to be the first ones to run into Disney's next large archetype. Past all means, do partake in these events and in fact I actively encourage y'all to do so because this is what keeps the heart of cinema live. But I'm not here to talk about that; I'yard here to talk about why Back to the Futurity and Dice Hard are consistently on top of 'Near Rewatchable Films' lists, and why such lists even exist.

Online streaming services have become a relentless super-machine of content production, exposing us to a limitless array of amusement just a click of a button away. I'd like to think I'm not the but one that feels somewhat overwhelmed when I open Netflix to find a new movie or telly show to sentinel considering I experience obliged to have advantage and consume it all at in one case. The seemingly endless pile of new titles added everyday combined with the new(ish) feature where trailers automatically play when yous hover over them, accept made browsing Netflix a chore in itself.

Unless you lot're an extremely defended person and don't employ the 'My List' feature as a black hole for films y'all could ane day potentially venture to watch, odds are you probably waste at to the lowest degree a expert twenty minutes deciding what to spend the next two hours of your life on. The trouble is that at that place are simply too many options to cull from.

It's somewhat counterintuitive to think that the more options we take, the more than likely we are to exist indecisive, but that is exactly what a written report conducted by professor Sheena Iyengar at Columbia University proves. It concludes that having too many alternatives ofttimes leads to us feeling dissatisfied once we actually practice choose something because nosotros're inclined to think that the other option (some other film/tv set show in this case) would have been improve.

To put it simply, making decisions can be hard. After browsing unsuccessfully for a while, some people are likely to settle for a rerun. Why? Considering an sometime favourite will never disappoint.

Re-watching sometime films tin can go a symbolic ritual over the years. Some people await forward to Christmas not because of the celebrations or the gatherings, but because they know the BBC volition show reruns of Home Alone, and hopefully I'm not the first to say that there is absolutely zilch wrong with that. Watching Love Really every December 24th has become so familiar to some people, to the point where it becomes a sort of 'comfort food' for the eyes.

A certain sense of power comes with knowing what'south going to happen side by side. When John McClane is on that rooftop about to leap with a burn hose wrapped around his waist, we all cheer him on because we know for a fact that he'southward going to brand it. And when he (drumroll) does make information technology, nosotros feel accomplished and share his success. When Ross, Chandler and Rachel are carrying that humongous sofa up the back stairs we're anxiously waiting for Ross'south burst of impatience. When he finally does yell the iconic "Pivot!" phrase, it comes as an immense fulfilment.

Because nosotros know exactly what'due south going to happen, we get this weird conjuring sensation where information technology feels like the characters are taking our commands. Author of On Repeat, Elizabeth Margulis, calls this a 'conjuring ability', and says that although it'due south all in our heads, the satisfaction from it is enormous and it tin merely exist because of repetitive viewing.

On the other paw, one might contend that the reason we enjoy seeing the same picture or telly bear witness over and once more is considering repetition breeds amore. Nosotros tend to enjoy something more than if we've been previously exposed to it. Scientists call this the 'mere exposure effect', which explains that familiar things are easier to process. Therefore, if past whatever chance yous've seen The Parent Trap over fifteen times (like me) it'll sound like music to your ears.

Simply probably the main reason equally to why many people dear re-watching their favourite films and tv shows is considering it becomes a nostalgic feel that makes them feel all warm and fuzzy inside. And surprisingly I don't but mean figuratively. A recent study institute that nostalgia tin can oft manifest itself as warm, physical comfort. Back in the 17th century when the Greeks coined the term nostalgia (originating from nostos meaning homecoming and algos pregnant hurting) information technology was considered a dubious affliction. It has since become a fuelling ability for pop culture and the entertainment manufacture.

An easy way to travel dorsum in time is to sentry your favourite childhood picture show. The sentimental memories associated with watching that picture show over the years when yous were growing up volition come flooding dorsum and fill you with fondness. This autobiographical nostalgia that comes with re-watching things you lot once loved (and notwithstanding love) is likely to provoke a very calming and soothing effect on you. Likewise, you're likely to experience proud of yourself for choosing that ane flick x years ago that was worth re-watching.

This satisfaction combined with the positive effects of nostalgia become an irresistible combination for your encephalon fifty-fifty though some people might say yous're wasting your time watching the same film you just saw last week. But is this a skilful enough reason to keep coming dorsum to familiar characters and stories all the fourth dimension?

We know the expert guy volition ever win, that the monster will be defeated and that the cute couple will osculation after the large fight; we already know how these films finish. And so why exercise we invest so much fourth dimension in them fifty-fifty though the element of surprise is gone?

Although you're likely to pick up a few details you missed hither and there, this lack of surprise is precisely what translates to comfort for some people. Knowing the ending beforehand guarantees that you'll take the emotional payoff that you're expecting.

This means that watching the same thing multiple times gives you lot a calming upshot chapeau researches Cristel Russell and Sidney Levy have termed as 'experiential control', which provides y'all 'emotional regulation'. Because you've seen that film or television set prove before, you already know how the story is going to end, which means that y'all already know how you lot'll experience when information technology ends. Whether it'southward happiness, relief, sadness or acrimony, this emotional payoff is something that only former favourites can guarantee.

This means that re-watching something is basically a elementary fashion of controlling your emotions when they get a bit out of range. It can become actually therapeutic, especially if you're feeling anxious. Psychologist Pamela Rutledge confirms this equally she explains that watching the same entertainment slice multiple times reaffirms that there is order in the world and that information technology 'can create a sense of condom and comfort on a fundamental level.'

No wonder children can easily spend hours watching the same cartoon on loop; they are subject to the same emotional satisfactions that we are, and so much more. A while ago, Netflix revealed that a mysterious Great britain user had watched the same film an eye-popping 357 times over the course of a year. As information technology turns out, the user was none other than a one-twelvemonth-old baby obsessed with The Bee Movie, whose mother claimed that he was more than attentive and relaxed whenever the film was playing.

The reason why children want to picket the same film for the billionth fourth dimension is the aforementioned reason why they ask for that 1 bedtime story every night; they long for routines and guidelines. Children learn through repetition and their brains consolidate information better when they're exposed to information technology several times. In this way, their brains showtime forming connections between the patterns that they are exposed to on repeat, giving them more and more meaning through time, which helps them improve their language and improve empathise the globe around them. Therefore, for children (and for adults besides) watching a film over and over again is so much more than than a simple pastime; it gives the states a sense of security and well-being.

Whenever you lot experience that intense urge to watch the unabridged Harry Potter series over the course of a weekend and are looking for some validation, rest assured that you're not wasting your time; re-watching films and boob tube shows tin can be an piece of cake course of self-care. So next time you catch yourself unsuccessfully browsing for hours, call up that it'due south okay to settle for an erstwhile favourite; you'll give thanks yourself later.


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